"Sometimes you can be so nice, and other times you can be kind of a jerk" NYx said musingly to Vespion. "If we go up, and what you say is true, then that means there hasn't been many people exploring up there. Which means a better chance of finding something new. Of course when was the last time you or any of your order here? Things could have changed. Some of the constructs we found were kind of battered" she said, trying to be reasonable. She gave a shrug "there must be some way of finding out where the constructs are. After all, what if some made their way downstairs? You could be walking into a hall of constructs down stairs" ----- "Meditation is a good way of relaxing" Jammy said "but it sounds like you didn't si much as enjoy the meditation, as you did the time with your sisters. It is a good bondage experience, and sometimes it's nice just being around family" Jammy said, "do you miss your siblings?" ---- Sasha watched, always amazed at how people could fight imaginary opponents. Did they imagine the moves and counter moves? Or was it more about going through the motions? She didn't know. "Have you thought about maybe doing something with your brothers, for training?" She asked after a while ---- "I've always liked your music" hermia said brightly, "it's always been good for me"