[b]Name:[/b] Niana [hider=[Appearance] [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/042/f/3/hunting_time__by_mmrailgun-d5ume7h.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Bio:[/b] Originally from Crosshaven, Niana and her parents went up to the mountains looking for her older sister who had disappeared a few days before. It turned out that bandits had robbed her and left her for dead on the snowy slope of a mountain. When the rest of the family arrived, the bandits struck again, murdering Niana's parents but sparing her and leaving 12 year old Niana in the nearby forest to her fate. Determined to survive, Niana has lived for the past five years in the forest, not sure of where she was or how to get home. She learned to be self-sufficient and to thrive in the wild of the mountain and forests bordering the fields of Crosshaven, and eventually in the last year found her way back to the wide-open plains surrounding Crosshaven. She has not formally reentered the town, but instead watches and observes daily life from the shadows and outskirts of the town, which is how she found out about the Seer. [b]Who is the Seer?:[/b] Someone who can help her track down the men that killed her sister and parents. I hope it's fine ^-^