[img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2015/022/b/7/celty_sturluson_by_mtrizkit-d8eww0x.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Real Name Unknown [b]Alias:[/b] Black Mamba [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Guild:[/b] Vyper Bolt [b]Rank:[/b] S Class [b]Personality:[/b] Mamba is an enigma for short, mysterious and masked for unknown reasons. Only a few people knows of his identity otherwise it is a just a secret identity. He is subverted aloof as seen in his first introduction and maintains a straight respect for his peers, Mamba is humble about his abilities and everything he does. Surprisingly and weird enough he plays weird antics and mischievous ones with Aiden when everyone is asleep. [b]Background:[/b] UNKNOWN *inserts troll face* Totally not from Edolas. [b]Talents:[/b] Master hand to hand combat: Black Mamba is said to be on par with Sairis in terms of hand to hand combat. Mamba doesn't use any form of body enhancing magic and can exchange blows with the likes of Sairis, Brad, Sable, Aiden, Gwen, Man Li, Master Jak. He has mastered the viper martial arts in his disposal too. Master Intellect: Cold and calculating, he is able to deduce that the S Class job for Sable and Aiden was fake before Master Liem could even explain. He also studies the off timing, breaks, and routines of every viper member which allows him to come out of nowhere and put everyone to sleep. He also knows how Gwen strips fast and gets to change fast;[b][i] "Gwen not only has the urge to strip and out of habit. She strips by having loose clothes to tear it off, using ounce of magic power to strip fast. Gwen rarely wears bra and underwear which makes it easier for her to strip in the nude. Furthermore, Gwen has random clothes scattered in Crocus, she also has requip which stores clothes in the dimension."[/i][/b] Enhanced Speed: Even without shadow magic, Mamba is already a formidable martial artist. With his raw speed and martial arts, it sure explains how he is able to fight on par against Sairis, Brad, Master Jak etc. Without any fortification magic or forms of body enhancing magic. Enhanced Durability. Is durable enough to take on Fortified blows from Sairis, Jak, Brad and took on a full powered roar from Aiden. [b]Magic:[/b] Sleep Magic. Shadow Magic, he can blend into the shadows and move in stealthily and surprise anyone. Also a support type creating platforms. Darkness Magic. His spells are; Forms of variations, beams, shaped attacks. Thought Projection. Transformation Magic. Vyper Bolt Martial Arts. [b]Other:[/b] Surprisingly a hilarious fellow. Knows why Gwen strips so fast. Knows why Master Jak is a pervert. Has studied Gwen's body. Battle Best Buds with Aiden. His partners in mission are random yet he won't reveal his identity. Is Tsundere. He carries a Scythe and a chain.