[b]Princess Adrienne Martell[/b] The Dornish lords and ladies stood distinct in the hall with their dark skin and bright apparel, all silk and satin and jewels. Adrienne was among them, laughing lightly at some jape her father had made. She herself was wearing the colours of her house and dressed more demurely than she would back at Sunspear, though looking around this was still less conservative than some of the ladies here. So many skirts; maybe she should ask her father to invest in a new dress for her. Looking about the hall she tried to identify the greater lords and didn't fail to notice how like congregated with like, and distance was found between others. The lords of the Reach shared a border with those of Dorne but no love which was evident by their being on the other side of the hall. The Targaryens were closer, allies since the first Daenerys was wed to Maron and her blood was still in the Martell's today. She then turned her eyes to the Lannisters, resplendent in red and gold. They stood so proud; though there was no way to know the truth of the whispers Adrienne would condemn them true regardless. It was for that reason she was here, how better to secure alliances than with a marriage? In his more ambitious moments her father turned his eyes to the new king. However Adrienne reflected on another such marriage, of Elia and Rhaegar, how Elia and her children were ruthlessly killed by the Lannisters during the rebellion. It may have been 200 years since those events but she had heard once that history was a wheel, though that was not a thought to dwell on now. She laughed again at another jest, though she had only truly heard the end of it, a light and sweet sound. She took a small sip of a sweet red wine, different from the sour Dornish wines she was used to though only the best would do for such a grand event, and continued to make idle talk with all those who approached her.