[h2]Rayna Bryson - Armoury[/h2] She had only broken her arm once or twice and although it was completely incapacitated, she never felt the loss that Victor seemed to feel on a daily basis. It sounded harsh. People around her were still feeling the after-shock of the argument and although Geni had dashed off to somewhere else, there was still dark stares being passed amongst the room. Why did things always have to come to something like this? There was peace between human and faunus for an age now but somehow things always managed to spark off completely. She put it down to the White Fang, of course. Faunus had their peace and their rights - they could fight for the rights of the other faunus in a peaceful way but the White Fang chose to take the path of violence, which wasn't particularly surprising. Everyone deserved to stand for what they believed in but the White Fang had become more radicalised and ultimately, more dangerous. Turning back to Victor, she gave him a scathing look before shaking her head a little too vigorously. "Neither! I just want Rayna!" She complained with a deep sigh - it seemed that trying to explain things to Victor was completely futile. "Look, I don't particularly like talking about it but I don't have a rank anymore and I don't really have a noble standing either. I would just prefer if you called me Rayna. It works." Settling down in her chair, she let her eyes drift closed as she took a moment to think about things. It seemed that Ivan didn't really have a lot of support for what he did so she drew her pocketed scroll and dragged it open. To: Oakley, Ivan From: Bryson, Rayna Subject: Help [i]Hey, I know you probably don't know who I am (blue-haired girl behind you) but I completely agreed with what you said and that other guy was in the wrong for attacking you. Still, I think you've gained quite a number of enemies today and they're likely not going to forget what you did. If you ever need any help, just say so.[/i] With that, she turned back towards Victor as if nothing happened at all. "I swear, Victor, you're treading on really thing ice!" She warned him, her mood a lot lighter now as she attempted to punch his arm only to discover it had been removed... by her. Silently, she was thankful she didn't punch the large hunk of metal - it would have been painful, she theorised. [h2]Professor Elijah Chatsworth[/h2] Giving a quick yet thankful nod to Sapphire, he allowed her to turn and walk out of sight before he continued. "Mr Hung, would you care to walk with me?" It was more of a command than a request but Eli never liked to appear very forceful. One of his little flying machines was following them, buzzing along happily as if it didn't have a care in the world. Elijah got lost in that, creating a minute-long silence that was probably awkward for Geni but he found it strangely peaceful. As they walked, Chatsworth eventually began. "You made a mistake in divulging your past to the class." He informed him, choosing his words carefully. "You're all so young now." He murmured thoughtfully, shaking his head a little. "Young and headstrong. You have all yet to see the true evil in this world but if you follow the path of a Hunter then you'll see it one day. Then they'll see, Mr Hung, then they'll know what it is to fight for something that you whole-heartedly believe in. Until then, unfortunately, they'll never be able to understand why you fought with the White Fang. They'll stand up for you and sympathise with you but they will never understand." Eventually, they came to bridge connecting two parts of the school. It was open to the elements, only being covered by a roof. Moving to the side of it, the Professor stared out for a moment before sighing. "Mr Oakley raised a few good points about you but I've worked with Ozpin for more years than you've been alive and I trust in his decisions. If he has hope in you, I'll have hope in you." Giving Geni a quick nod, he fixed his spectacles before moving on to the necessary details. "That doesn't mean you're getting off lightly. You'll serve a detention with the rest of those involved and then another one for drawing your weapon with the intent to use it in my classroom. I don't want to do this again, Mr Hung, so make sure it's your last." Looking beyond Geni, he thought he heard something as his ears suddenly perked up. "I advise heading back to class now; I will return straight after you." He seemed preoccupied with a train of thought. After another five minutes, the Professor finally returned to the Armoury classroom. "We didn't get through a lot today but allow me to make this clear - any further events like the one today will end in the perpetrators being removed from my class permanently. If you want to retain your place here, I advise you hold your petty squabbles for outside. Class dismissed." He seemed to pick up on something as well though as one little machine suddenly buzzed to him. "Miss Rode, why is it that you only returned to class a few minutes before I did? Surely it would have only taken you two minutes to walk back to class when I told you to." Although he looked like he was old and tired, Elijah had the sharpest of minds.