[b]Roman Colony World A-01 - Capital[/b] Around the glass table were numerous chairs, but neither the Seighis escorts nor the Builder sat, as no matter how humanoid they seemed, they did not need to. The escorts hovered a pace backward, now they remained motionless, one could easily mistaken them for figures, if not for their shadow energy erratically moving around them. Knowing that this was a possible offensive or at the least aggressive gesture to most sapient humanoids, the Builder quick, but with no hint of panic at all, eased forward near the table and, addressed the Governor, this time he had the ambient energy vibrate the air to enable sound, though his voice remained as chimeful as always, "Good morning Governor Klaus, I am the Builder, forgive me for I have long forgotten my given name, of the former Xalku species. And please forgive me once again, as I will not take a seat, please, do not see this as a sign of disrespect, we merely do not need to sit, and therefore need not execute the action, as our species, the Congregation and I, now values efficient pragmatism. Forgive the redundancy as well." The Builder inclined his head slightly. "As for our business here, for the knowledge that we seek. I am fairly pleased to hear of your motto, and I, indeed, must agree with it." the Builder paused, his machinic head glanced to the side slowly for a moment. "Hmm. Here I talk of pragmatic efficiency, yet I stall. Forgive me" His melodic voice rang as he emitted a sound, a sound perhaps similar to a chuckle. "The Congregation and indeed, I, only wish to learn from the sapient species of the galaxy, and if time permits, the universe. Your people, as you know, is one of the sapient species native to this galaxy. We seek to learn from you, your culture, your history, how you came to be, and perhaps, if you permit, how your technology and magicks function. The last item may promote to be too suspicious, but I assure you, I and the Congregation will never use this knowledge against you, unless provoked. If this is not satisfactory, know that you are free to leave this information out." If the Builder had a face, he would have smiled, the absence of features was usually an inconvenience, but not always, as there are times when one truly needs to hide their emotions and a face may betray its master. "And for this knowledge that you will share with us, we too will share knowledge equal to what you have given us. But know once again, that if you are unwilling to share at all, we will not harbor ill to you or your people, and we will depart in disappointment, but in peace."