[quote=@User] the fact bthat he is a doc means that he plays a defensive position. he isnt at the fore front of battles, he provides a cover fire and maybe runs forwards to grab people to get them to cover. the pistole sint OP it fires a ball you need to charge, think of the rail gun from AW just takes longer to load, and range isnt a good thing. The rifle im not appologising on, it is a AK47 of space meaning it is common not super rare. ofcourse it will have extra stuff on it like a sight and maybe a exteneded mag but nothing like space grenades. The drone if you look it says will attack anything not prgrammed in if put in atack mode so could end up just shooting everything if it goes wrong. as for the sheild, it creates a frocefeild out its power supplies and failing that it will fire (In attackmode) shards of things around it, so like shell casings and glass or use power sullipes to fire lazers. it will suck large things of panaling to make a loose sheild. REad the original post, i said all thse things [/quote] I just want to have a RP were we're not Fighting our way to victory without Casualties or problems, the guns I'm okay with but Being able to Heal up a single wound automatically? I just don't really like that. but my opinion really doesn't matter, If the GM says its good its good [quote=@Skyrte] I want to say more on the Firefly-esque style, but with my own character, Khopesh, I sort of upped the general tech level of the setting. With my fancy laser guns and exosuit. I'm not the GM, but I'll say as long as you don't go ridiculously overboard, it should be fine. [/quote] I want a firefly-esque style one too, like Humanity just discovered Space technology and they're still figuring out the bits and bobs of futuristic technology