(Sounds like a plan. Wouldn't be fun to spend AGES on just getting a crew together. xD) Ceres was done about 45 minutes later, grinning like she was very satisfied about something. "Dinner's ready! Too many bowls to carry so everyone come in and grab one yourself!" Each bowl was the same. Seasoned potato and carrot bits with a piece of pork in the middle, all topped with gravy. There was one exception though. A plate with the same ingredients, but with several pieces of meat instead of just one. The captain of the ship should get the best meal after all. Taking one small bowl for herself and the large plate in her other hand Ceres headed up to the captain's cabin. She wasn't going to eat there, as Octavius clearly didn't want her there. But she figured he might want to. "Cap'n, dinner is served." She spoke as she held the plate in front of her. "Where would you like to eat?" The woman was acting a little odd, though. With a gentleness that you'd normally expect from a woman, rather than her usual rough self. ((To give you an idea: Crew meals: http://www.foodasaurusrex.com/media/2010/09/pot-roast.jpg Captain's meal: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--dl4SSFKPcE/TwInB3UOl0I/AAAAAAAACo4/EupW7BpkOhA/s1600/Pot+Roast.jpg ))