[quote=@Pepperm1nts] You're saying this like I'm the one demanding better tech. I don't care about modern tech. What I am concerned about is that Europe will be stuck in 1950 forever for no good reason. I agree with the concerns. Hell, I was there agreeing to put the rules in place. But it shouldn't be something that is absolute and in place forever. Because that would be really stupid. The only difference here is that you and Aaron are arguing for it to be a forever-thing, while I am arguing it shouldn't be. [/quote] Don't be i'norant, son. We ain't saying that tech in Europe is stuck in the fifties. When tech leaders move on to more advanced stuff, the default tech will move up. If you want to jump out of the default, you got to do so in a way that looks good. And what I mean is this. We don't want to see a meeting between dudes saying "Country is needing some tech. Let us develop a tech. Build the lab and do the tech.", followed by a string of bland posts that look like "Our tech is becoming good tech. All that good tech is being better tech now too." Fuck that noise. Run some espionage mission. Have a guy who tries to come up with jet tech and ends up with a different interpretation of it. Forget about making jets and instead develop something that counters them. When you do things like this, make sure they involve difficulties and trials. Nobody wants to see a spy mission where a perfect spy shoots his way through IB headquarters and waltz's out with the tech in their briefcase. Nobody wants to see somebody create something unbeatable. And, more important than anything, nobody wants to read posts about a nation where all they do is things like successfully tech up and get better politically. Gotta see setbacks and character growth. We wanna see depth, and that means accepting and involving your faction's flaws.