[b]Princess Adrienne Martell[/b] There was a sudden force from behind her, forcing her a few steps forward to balance herself. The wine sloshed in her cup, some spilling to the floor before she had a chance to right it, and people jumped back to avoid getting wet. The moment of chaos was small and almost immediately a servant had appeared to clean the spill. Turning to see the cause of it all she was faced with a man she did not know, but that was hardly a surprise. She spied the figure of the Twins though, and then she remembered his face from him swearing fealty. "Do not worry, my lord, the hall is busy and, well I am quite short." She said with a gentle smile, her words carrying the lilt of the Dornish accent. "I am Adrienne Martell, daughter of Prince Olyvar, a pleasure to meet you." The Freys had never been of a concern to the Martells, partly due to the distance but mostly because the Freys had seemed more concerned with each other.