[b]Name:[/b] Marcus Goldstein [b]Location:[/b] Armoury class [b]Status:[/b] Good At the start of the squabble, Marcus was too absorbed in the lecture to step in. When it finally did come to his attention, roughly around when Oswald made his intervention, he stared at the clusterfuck with a morbid curiosity normally reserved for massive disasters in progress. This was supposed to be Beacon right? The best school for hunters, pride of the nation, etcetera etcetera. Not exactly the place he anticipated deep philosophical debates about what measured the worth of a sentient or some such tripe. [sub]“And now they’re fokking about to tear each other a new one like the raging scrotum sucking spunk trumpets they are. Glorious, ten outta ten, best school evar, now can we please get the fock out? I miss me old homestead.”[/sub] Marcus leaned on one elbow and palmed his face. Other than actively suppress a chortle when Geni challenged him to a head on duel with [i]Unsubtle[/i], he was content to just sit there and let the others handle this. [sub]“You fokken wot mate I’ll shiv ya I swear on me pops!”[/sub] For one Marcus was without a weapon or useful combat semblance. For another, there was a teacher right there. And lastly, the whole argument here was just plain stupid as far as he was concerned. There were still plenty of Grimm out there, and the schism between ‘pure’ humans and faunus was just stupid in the face of that. Yes, the faunus were discriminated against inside kingdoms. This was neither the time nor place to have a frank exchange of ideas about the issue. Especially not with bullet and blade. All in all he was glad it was over. He texted Ivan, just to hopefully take the boy’s mind off the matter as well. Something about moving forwards rather than dwelling on the past and all that. [i]To: Oakley, Ivan From: Goldstein, Marcus Subject: Mechanics I wish to exchange ideas given that we both use large firearms. First off, how much harder can you make a gun or cannon hit? We could compare notes on thermal warping too, I still cannot push the rate of fire too high without outright melting some components.[/i] For a second Marcus thought on some social niceties to add, failed to come up with any and then sent the message.