As the last light seeped from the world, sound crept into it. It started slowly, sneaky almost; the blowing of the wind, the buzzing of insects, the rustling of the leaves in the olive tree. Then it came louder and less subtle. Creaks from the buildings of the city. The crunch of trodden gravel. A faint animal scream. All unplaceable, all untraceable. Yem had always found this dynamic fascinating. Did his ears hear more because the light left his eyes, or did the world come out of hiding for the same reason? Oh, night. The day might be blessed, but the night was truly sacred. He lay with his eyes cloded, listening to the world. He was about to let himself fall asleep when he suddenly heard something interesting: a mans voice. It was faint, but not like a whisper. It had come from a distance then. He was safe .. for now. Yem opened an eyelid a fraction and peered into the distance. He saw it immedietly. There was a small light out there. A campfire, burning in the distance. Whoever they were, they weren't expecting strangers, lest they would've been more careful. Watching the small flickering light, Yem considered his next action. He stood up suddenly and collected his belongings. He had made up his mind.