Five years ago the Mutant Registration Act was passed, making it illegal to possess super-human abiities in the United States without registering them with the MRD. Mutant Response Division officers were stationed in every major city, a new division of the Justice department meant to deal with crimes involving super humans, though Shield still deals with large scale threats. New York has its share of heros, including the Fantastic Four, Spider Man, and Pepper Pots (a result of the Extremis thing from Iron Man 3). It is also is the nearest major city to the Xmen, a Mutant rights group lead by Professor Xavier which works with the US government (via Dr. Hank McCoy) to insure that mutants aren't oppressed. Most of these Xmen are registered with the MRD, if only for the practical reason that the government won't consider ideas created by outlaws. Genosha was founded by Magneto shortly after the law was passed as a place of safety for all mutants. He rules it as its King, though it's population is too small to be a threat to any other country. LeBeau City was founded around the same time by Gambit. Just outside of New Orleans, and sometimes considered the Mutanttown district of New Orleans, it is a town where only mutants and mutant sympethizers are allowed. No Mutant discrimination or Anti-mutant propaganda will be tolerated it this city. Little does anyone know that something serious is about to appear which is a threat to everyone, human, mutant, superhuman, and even Norse God. [hider=Character sheet] Name: Supername: What do you call yourself when you're in uniform? Parents/family: Are your related to anyone in the marvel Universe, or other Characters? Appearance: What do you look like in your street clothes? Battle Form: What do you look like in uniform? Age: Powers: What can you do and how does it work? Personality: What kind of person are you? Backstory: Anything significant happen in your past? Equipment: What do you own? [/hider]