As the team arrived back at the base Supergirl immediately stormed off. "Anyone who talks to me. Dies." She said angrily, obviously not meaning it literally. She was upset. It showed not only in her attitude, but on her face and she wasn't going to calm down anytime soon. "Well maybe if you had just followed Robin's plan things might have gone a lot easier." Kid Flash spoke as he followed behind her. "Well maybe if the orders weren't so dumb!" "They weren't dumb! You just couldn't wait a freakin second. And we needed you to hold the building up!" "Why couldn't Jason do it?!" "He was keeping the submarine from leaving!" Nathaniel and Rachel were going back and forth and it seemed like they wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. Jason sighed, while shaking his head. This was becoming very annoying, very fast. Every time something went wrong on a mission somebody would argue. This time it was Kid Flash and Supergirl. He remembered arguing with Robin once. Sometimes it would be Nate and Quinn who didn't even go on missions. He wouldn't be surprised if Ellie was still upset too, or getting more annoyed. Still, he was staying out of this one. He'd handled his part. But things seemed to go up and down often. Virgil hadn't joined them on the last few missions, which was understandable. he had his own things to handle. Though he likely wouldn't get involved in this argument, but rather choose to talk to Quinn, give her a mission report, and handle the technical stuff. Mostly to give Robin a break since she handled that stuff during the mission. He was responsible like that. Nathaniel finally threw his hands up. "Oh whatever. Me and Robin could have handled that by ourselves any day." He lied mostly because of his annoyance. He wasn't very happy. He couldn't believe this. Why did they even need to be on a team? Three months of up and down activity. Three months. Sure the missions were mostly all complete, but things always went south in some way or another. How could the league just expect them to work together like this? They were all so used to going solo or little team ups. Simply grouping up and working together like this was impossible! They all had their own ways. Sure he could listen to Robin forever and be fine, but Supergirl had a habit of going off tangent if she didn't like something. Superboy didn't usually cause waves, but if he felt strongly about it, he would let it be known. JR was more or less fine, but even then, he wasn't always around as Shock. "Please tell me I'm not the only who thought that mission kind of went down the toilet cause of Supergirl." "How about my fist tell your face to shut the fuck up?!" That was childish she knew, but Rachel couldn't help it. "Just run back to your little girlfriend and do whatever you two do. And where is Kat?" She stomped in a huff a small crater forming under her feet. That could have been worse to be honest. So she at least wasn't as angry as she claimed. She likely knew she messed up. "Woah... She is not my girlfriend." Things were going the usual route. Calming down a bit. But still... Tensions were high.