Glenndaugion stood with a deceptively calm demeanor, however in his head he was trying to find a clean solution to the situation. The meeting in the little town isn't just going to go unnoticed, meaning the enemy will notice the queen being back on the board. The room reacted rather well to both a pressing threat and his request. Breaking off into groups would likely be a viable option but who could be trusted? The knights obviously but the rest, everything about them seemed suspicious. Glenn smirked at how much his current chain of thought seemed like it belonged in Mawblack's head. Denemika's words brought him back form his thoughts. The words of the thief registered as well,(He stifled an urge to request he refrain from such language around children) he smiled at the banter of the giantess and the queen. "Well if you insist, but I will have your head if she hurts herself." Glenn turned to the Commander as he began to plot the course of action. "A simple gambit, but you do so struggle when it comes to a game of chance. However I admit I had thought something along these lines, so I am in agreement." ---Alniyat Alniyat had started to zone out a tad, while interesting it does grow a bit boring watching people talk. She began to wonder if this was all really needed, if they had been in hiding for so long wouldn't they be fine to move about? She choked on her drink when the stranger killed some random person? It took her a full five seconds to process that he was of a dark feathers....(Such a lame name) That means this is actually as bad as the letter led her to believe, perhaps even worse. That group tends to be a rather quite but effective bunch. Oh right, the giant in the robes was talking about more incoming? Apparently he was some one important, but honestly he looked more like a dancer than a fighter. Yet everyone reacted to him like he was a knight? Totally not as cool as the other three! Fleet of foot means fast right? She thought to herself but before she could stand that creepy thief was gone! It was a matter of minutes before he came back through the now guarded door carrying literal bad news. Not really sure what he meant by Tighter than a virgin house or whatever but pretty sure it was meaning it was surrounded. The KNIGHT COMMANDER then spoke to her, sorta....well more like referred to her. That counts right? Totallllllly does! Wait what did he say? Sh*T! Some sorta plan no an amazing strategy if any of the stories she had heard where true....That she totally didn't grasp at all. "Uhmmm, sorry. I don't mean to interrupt but what are we doing?"