It seemed to Marciano that the flight to carrier moved in a near slow motion state, but he stayed in formation and kept his mouth shut. He was glad for the news that the Kinetic weapon had missed its mark, but still the ease with which it had almost obliterated the base had rattled him slightly. His father had onetime joked that warfare had lost its honor, going from an engagement where you saw the spark of life dwindle and die from the eyes of your foe, to pressing a button and wiping out a population thousands of miles away. The real truth of that statement now bounced around his head. As they neared the carrier, Marciano keyed his radio "Hey we've got a few of us to put down i'm gonna anchor myself right here for a bit." Breaking off from the formation, he put the Hound into an orbit around the massive ship while the rest of the squadron began landing. He saw a few new jets in the line up, and seeing as he was probably going to be one of the last ones down he began trying to match the jet to the call sign for fun. He thought he was making good progress at taking guesses when the crackle of the radio in his ear interrupted his thoughts "Charnel this is tower, you should be clear for landing after one more go around." "Received tower, im coming down." Marciano replied, smiling at the thought of getting out of taking off his mask and getting out. Slowly continuing straight away from the carrier as he completed his last orbit, he insured that his hook and gear were down before turning his flaps down and banking back towards the carrier, descending ever so slowly. To be quite honest, he disliked landing on carriers, too many things could go wrong too quickly. But he held steady and touched down without issue, his hook catching, jerking the Tornado to a stop. Taxing to an out of the way location, Marciano closed the Hound's wings and flipped off its engines. Taking off his mask he took a deep breath, before proceeding to furiously scratch his nose and cheek bones. As soon as he was satisfied he gave a short chuckle before taking off his helmet and placing it on his console. Opening his cockpit Marciano lifted himself up and out, onto the ladder one of the deck technicians was kind enough to place there and down onto the deck itself. Giving a short yawn he cracked a few of his knuckles and took a look around. Across the deck he saw a gathering of people near the Tomcat that had been designated Knight-1, smiling he took off towards the group. When he got close enough he stopped and snapped a short salute "Call-sign Charnel reporting in." he said with a beaming smile "Though my friends call me Marciano, good to finally meet you all face to face and also while not getting shot at."