[center][u][b]Ivan Oakley - Armory[/b][/u][/center] Ivan looked up from the floor, wondering how he'd ended up over here instead of where fox faunus was standing. Worriedly, he darted over to Amarath as soon as he confirmed that neither his teammate(Ivan grabbed Indigo and looked him over for serious wounds) or the heroic girl(He was a lot less physical on his check on Mokuren, merely asking that she wasn't hurt). Ignoring the comment about the crusader, he finally relaxed as he saw no external injuries. Turning away, he causally stooped and picked up Ragnarok, examining the heavy weapon thoroughly to make sure that he hadn't damaged irreparably damaged it. The gunslinger placed Geni's double-ended blade back where the lion faunus had sat previously, pondering his next action carefully as he recalled the wear on the weapon, some of which due to his own semblance's interference. After a second, he retrieved his notebook and wrote in a methodical, heavy-handed script about possible maintenance options for the damages. [i]Including[/i] the crack on the blade. He tore out the page and left it next to the weapon with small scrawling addendum at the bottom. [i]Sorry for calling you Grimm-allied.[/i] As he strode back to his seat, his message indicator on his scroll beeped, quickly reading through the first message. Ivan instinctively grimaced when he saw the words 'blue-haired'. As much as he knew the girl meant well by informing him of her appearance, but the mention of blue only brought up the disdainful countenance of Sapphire and her constantly mocking comments. He turned fully around to examine the girl behind him, taking in the general's daughter with the same intense gaze that he reserved for curiosities in his daily life. As if pleased with what he saw there, he nodded and began to type up a response. [i]To: Bryson, Rayna From: Oakley, Ivan Subject: RE: Help Thank you for your kind offer, Miss Rayna. I'm quite certain that we will not come to blows again, given the professional way were are supposed to act here at Beacon, but assistance in times of need is always appreciated. Allow me to extend the offer back at you. If you need any help, I'm available.[/i] He flicked over to Marcus' message immediately after sending the formal one to Rayna. Nodding again in confirmation, he glanced back at the man in military dress and sized him up, thinking of how appropriately to respond to such a business-like manner. He began to type rapidly, long fingers flying over the keyboard. Seemingly satisfied, he hit the send button and finally turned back to the maintenance of his own weapon. [i]To: Goldstein, Marcus From: Oakley, Ivan Subject: RE: Mechanics I'm quite at ease with this arrangement, Goldstein. My semblance is quite simple and direct in what it does, and thus makes it quite easy to explain to someone who has the basest grasp of physics. It allows me to take the energy and force generated by a dust reaction and redirect it. All of it. As you mentioned, firing too many shots too rapidly makes the buildup of heat grow nearly exponentially as compared to unmodified attacks.[/i]