As various people showed up, Atreides slowly dropped his spell arm to his side, shifting his hands to his pockets vice his sword for now. It would be a matter of a second or two difference to draw his blade back out into a combat ready position. He kept a spell in mind for defensive purposes, just in case, but primarily let his partner do the talking, as she had done so already. Someone seemed to recognize both of them rather than just Crimson, which was odd considering he stuck to the shadows and generally was not one to stand out by choice. Of course, before he had much chance to get in a response in edgewise to any of them, Crimson had already started dragging him off, which he grumbled about under his breath. Of course, the one lad seemed hellbent on following them, going on about some hyper lethal plant of one sort or another, and snorted, reacting to the man with his own comment. [color=0054a6]"And your so full of shit your eyes are brown. Unless whatever your babbling on about is a recent addition, last time I passed through Rivenwood, worse natural cause of death you could find here was a whore that's been around the block too many times. Now scurry along kid, before some wart plant jumps up to bite you in the ass."[/color] Was it friendly? Hell no, but it wasn't intended to be friendly. He wasn't looking to be paid for friendly, and with Crimson dragging him along, he was not very pleased with the situation now that he was being hurried along at something other than his own pace.