Name: Christopher "Chris" Din Race: Human Age: 29 Sex: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Athletic build, standing at 5'9 at 150 lbs. Profession: Explorer Social Ranking: Lower than a Mercenary, but still higher than a villager. Probably looked down upon by the mercs, possibly percieved as weak, or foolish to want to explore the new world. Talents: Survival Skills. Strong instinct. Strong sense of direction. Has the many skills necessary to traverse a diverse land. Personality: Very adventurous, and can be a little rash, but not without credit. Chris can usually pull off whatever otherwise 'crazy' claim he makes. Not afraid of anything, or anyone, and jumps at the chance to see or experience something new. Otherwise, Chris is a pleasant, and very interesting man to speak to. He seems easily excitable, but keeps a cool head through most situations. Recent history: Chris spent his youth travelling with his merchant father, and has spent time in almost all the provinces and lands of Maltha. Has spent most of his adult life (17-present) travelling and exploring the wilderness of Maltha. When he heard about the chance to see what no man had seen before, he jumped at the chance for adventure.