[h2]Tsim[/h2] Taking a step back from his great library, Tsim gazed upon it fondly as a new scroll was added to the collection. This one on the Razor-Quill Boars that made their home in the Desert of Flames. They really were quite interesting beasts. How they could survive the heat of the day was beyond him yet but he would learn eventually, he just needed to commission a scholar and maybe a hunter. Being as big as he was did have some disadvantages, alas there was no way of changing that. With That though he went on his way, it had been so very long since he had taken time for himself and decided now would be the time. Walking upon his great wings like a macabre bat Tsim left his cave and took to the skies after a long stretch of his odd wings. Soaring through the sky brought out a great glee from Tsim, for all his eloquence and knowledge he was still a dragon. Deciding to indulge on his baser pleasures he quickly flew and dove into the great sands of the desert and began to move through it like a serpent of the seas in search of a meal. Traveling swiftly through the sands Tsim found what he was looking for, relatively. Stopping his movements, Tsim raised from the sands slightly, only enough for his horn and snout to leave the sand. Smelling the air Tsim unveiled his target to be a Gurn, a large lumbering thing with tough meat but alot of it. The creature was old, exceedingly large, and at the end of its rope. Perfect. Dipping down back into the sand, Tsim dug deep before surging upwards and exploding from underneath the beast. Up in the air it rose as Tsims jaws punctured its rough hide and crushed the organs underneath, its death was painless and swift. After gorging on the soft innards and larger meats of the creature, Tsim took to the air once again and left the rest for the scavengers. After several circles he found the largest rock in the Desert of Flames, the uppermost part of a once great mountain, and laid himself upon its surface. Preparing for a long nap upon its sun warmed surface.