Bryant wasn't sure what he had doen wrong just now, and he was sure he had done something wrong, because Kaya had just run off to the library holding back tears. What should he do? Should he got try and comfort her when he didn't know how? Or should he leave her to sort things out for herself? "Man... today just sucks on so many levels." He groaned as he got up and followed after her. He was certain that anything he did would just make Kaya feel worse, he wasn't a very emotional person according to his mother, and as such was probably going to somehow insult her without meaning too. But she was his best friend and it was his duty to help her feel better... or at least to try too. As he entered the library he looked around for her and saw her off in a corner by herself reading her Alchemy journal and made his way over. "Hey Kaya..." He said hesitatingly "I'm sorry if I said something that upset you."