[hider=Mytritea] [img]http://puu.sh/gevOZ/e52ddba4c6.jpg[/img] [i][b]"Desire the right."[/b][/i] [B]Name:[/B] The Free Republic of Mytritea [B]Demonym:[/B] Mytritea [B]Description:[/B] The Free Republic is a nation, or rather a dominion, in its infancy, born of a local insurgency that snowballed, with outside tampering, into a full-blown revolution that ousted the old colonial administration in favor of self-determination. Under the auspices of a newfound strength and a nascent nationalism, the ethnically and socioeconomically divided peoples of the large, vibrant former colony joined together in an effort to carve out a place for themselves on the world stage. This new state possesses its own share of problems, however, mostly born of the context of the revolution and the abrupt severance of its relationship with its so-called motherland. The primary financiers of the armed struggle against the colonial administration were wealthy white settlers and local businessmen, and they and their military apparatus took hold of the lion's share of political power, much to the chagrin of the indisputedly second-class local citizenry, a people who, while having been stripped of much of their own culture and freedom have benefitted from economic development and a powerful local education system. There has been a continuous non-violent friction between the native majority and the colonist minority, but it has quite fortunately manifested itself in nonviolent dialogue and protest rather than outright counter-revolution or balkanization. And, while the Mytritean Army and Ranger Corps have maintained their place of privilege as the storng-arm of the white-dominated national government they have exercised considerable restraint in their dealings with all peoples, dissident or not, in an effort to improve their image, which is presently not favorable, and keep tensions as low as is feasible. They have not let go of their traditions, largely inspired by or directly attributable to the influence of the Princely States, of a white, aristocratic hereditary officership and a direct participation in executive and legislative politics. The national government, in light of the distress of the native peoples, who did indeed sacrifice much in order to throw off the shackles of imperialism, has branded itself repeatedly as a 'transitional government' even despite much of what the natives believe to be racist and unfair policy happens to now be enshrined in the constitution of state. And, when such bias is addressed by the government it is done with immense ambiguity and very careful wording that seems to imply an intention to enact change when it's 'time for change' without really elucidating on any concrete timeline, though it's quite possible they don't have a concrete timeline when it comes to the sharing of power due to the fragile, young nature of the state. For now, instead, the president seems quite content to pursue economic development as both a means of empowering the nation and all of its people, and he has established the nation's educational system as the foundation of this. Despite its recent armed dispute with its former master, the Free Republic has immediately and quite readily attempted to integrate itself into the international economy and diplomatic system. It remains largely within the Resian state's sphere of influence, though has secured a great degree of autonomy for itself by means of wartime opportunism. It has attempted to foster business and political partnerships with a number of nations both near and far, and for what it may lack in practicality in many of these proposals, of which it might not presently even have the means to carry out, it makes up for in earnestness and a drive to make friends of the ambivalent or hostile. To sum up the Free Republic's foreign policy, one would best be able to consider it as optimistic, and in some cases even naive, though it maintains a jealous protectiveness of its economic and political sovereignty, not wishing to fall into a trap of indebtedness or beholdeness to any outside power. [B]Government:[/B] The Free Republic of Mytitrea was constructed in such a way as to incorporate the best aspects of various states around the world as well as the fundamental principles of classical old world governance. It has foregone the presence of a monarch, even if some might still recognize, and even yearn nostalgically for the sovereigns of the Princely States, though this is all chalked up to unworkable sentiment that can be divorced entirely from modern governance. The government is nominally, and largely in practice a democratic republic that allows landholding men and women the right to vote for representation in the national senate and in the office of the presidency. Of note, however, is the presence of the vaguely 'old world' and aristocratic military in the government, who has the right to 'nullification' and a simple monopoly of force within the country's borders. [B]Head of State:[/B] [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Vannevar_Bush_portrait.jpg]President Martin Vanhauer[/url] [B]National Anthem:[/B] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUBNb5BDiJU[/youtube] [B]Economy:[/B] Mytitrea operates on the principles of free enterprise, at least nominally, with chartered Resian industries being replaced largely by the capital and entrepreneuership of local businessmen. At present, in truth, there is little in the way of modern industry and there is precious little infrastructure to support such, with modern amenities largely being limited to major urban centers and regions with a settler majority. Mytritea now has the potential to leverage its extensive oil and rare earth deposits towards its own development however, and is also blessed with an impressive agricultural output that consists of both produce and cash crops such as tobacco, cotton, and saffron. [B]National Religion:[/B] TBD [B]Population:[/B] 72,173,000 [B]Geography:[/B] TBD [B]Demographics[/B] Aboriginal - 64.4% White (Resian) - 17.8% White (Other) - 7.3% Mixed - 10.5% Official Languages: Resian, Mytritens, Tongere, Lhoso, Sulod, Sughri, Acheli [B]Notable Locations[/B] (An overview of important cities, military bases, political prisons (if any) and World Conclave Historical Landmarks (which is to say, along the lines of the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids at Giza)) [B]Regime Personalities[/B] [B]Institutions[/B] [B]Military Numbers[/B] Active Duty Component Total: Army: Navy: Air Force: Other: [/hider] [hider=Rolls] Population Density (Population: 72,000,000) -Densely Populated; A large amount of manpower for military and economic purposes, but it also means that there is a degree of strain on social infrastructure in general. Educational costs and civic projects tend to be intensive. Without an economy sufficient to the task, this nation will face difficulties. Industrialization -Minimal: Dependent on imported goods to sustain a technological lifestyle; only a couple factories producing goods. Domestic Technology -Obsolete: The industrial infrastructure and domestic technology level of the nation lags behind, though that does not necessarily mean that the stuff it produces is bad, it's just old-style tech; milled and forging as opposed to metal stamping, more wood than plastic, etc, etc. High technology production requires foreign training and foreign experts. Educational Institutions -Comprehensive Public Primary Schools, Merit/test-score based secondary education (Trade/University Prep), and Private Universities Domestic Political Stability -Widespread Peaceful Dissident Activity Common Mineral Deposits -Minimal deposits of iron, chromium, copper and the like. Valuable Mineral Deposits -Moderate deposits of rare earth metals, and platinum. Petroleum Wells -Moderate Petroleum finds, that are easily exploitable. Fissible Material Deposits -None Military Recruitment -Hereditary, with certain blood lines born to serve Military Reliability -Military Plays Politics Military Size -Tiny, relative to population, but easier to equip, train, and outfit. Military Technology -Limited Modernization Military Training and Morale -Decently Trained; High Morale Military Leadership -Semi-Competent; Rose to their positions through Military Heroics Military Popularity -Unpopular Secret Services -Competent Secret Service; Invested heavily in local politics, such as replacing your current leader with someone they favor[/hider]