The street was silent as Praetor approached, in fact the entire block was dead quiet, as he grew closer he would smell the blood and after a few more steps he would see it. They were everywhere around the home and the smell of blood was so strong from inside it was sickening, there were bodies scattered about some torn limb from limb, others cut expertly with a sword and some even seemingly melted with the intensity of his soundwaves. The undead would even grow restless at the pure aura of destruction and hate that exuded from that house, the street lights began to flicker as something stirred in the darkness inside the home and slowly something made its way from inside and the front door slowly crept open to reveal pure darkness and out of the wall of black stepped Lucian, dripping with blood, eyes filled with madness and rage, Praetor would see it in his eyes like no one else would, that same madness that same vile hate and uncaring for life that had shown so brightly in the eyes of Dracula. Lucian's hand was still wrapped around Fang and blood was still dripping from him as he walked slowly forward, "[color=1b1464]Hello Brother...[/color]" Lucian wore a smirk as black as his soul, "[color=1b1464]And here I thought we might never get to talk again...[/color]" In his other hand Lucian held the head of one of the men he had slaughtered, ""[color=1b1464]It had been so long Abraham...[/color] He held up the mans head and looked into its eyes, the frozen terror still shinning in them, "[color=1b1464]So long since I tasted of fresh blood...[/color]" He dropped the head allowing it to roll to Praetor's feet, "[color=1b1464]So long since I tasted of the pleasure only killing can bring you...[/color]" He looked around him at all the undead Praetor had chosen to bring, the smirk on his lips only growing as the cruelty in his eyes did also, "[color=1b1464]Your friend isn't here Abraham...Only I remain...Only War remains.[/color]" Suddenly and with no warning the ground started cracking at the sheer force of his power, "[color=1b1464]These humans...these rogues...All need a ruler...[/color]" He motioned to all the blood and chaos around him, "[color=1b1464]When you crush an ant beneath thy boot does it make you evil? Or do you realize that you are a higher form of life? If I have the power of a god, am I not a god myself?[/color]" War held his gaze on Praetor never once breaking eye contact, as the world around them started to break and crack around with the sheer force of the power of War.