"It's the training at my temple, so sue me" Vespion replied. "I do what has to be done. Much better to come off as harsh sometimes if it means saving lives. They say it is better to rebuke someone into paradise than to flatter them into hell." "Yes, thanks for the sermon" Larek said, rolling his eyes. "Now, let's just get on with things." "As for your question, Nyx, the last time was a few years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the damage to the constructs was inflicted by them. There used to be many more, you see. The downstairs areas had many of the housing areas for the priests, a place unlikely to have many constructs." -------------------------- Orna laughed a bit at the "bondage" comment, but she knew what Jammy had meant by it. Nothing nasty. "I miss them, but I am happy to be finally living with my husband. A girl has to grow up eventually, you know. I'm also glad not to be under my parent's watch all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love my father and mother. Still, my father makes it very clear that he was in charge, and my mother always made sure we followed all the rules of keeping clean and safe. I think it was harder for my brothers to follow them than it was for me. Oh, and don't worry, I make sure Tran cleans his claws before entering the house." -------------------------- "I might do that, but I've trained with them plenty growing up. I usually beat them every time" Kos said, a grin on his snout. -------------------------- "Thanks, Hermy. It always make me glad to hear it" Veax replied.