[b]Name:[/b] Mithrail Godsend [center][b]Photo:[/b] [img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/121485942/superthumb.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Age*:[/b] 19 [b]Gender*:[/b] Female [b]Abilities*:[/b] Because she was born as a Celestial, she was born with their constitution and body, which means she is immune to most magic and abilities and cannot be affected by mental suggestions. Also, her body is extremely sturdy and absurdly strong, moreover, she will only grow more-so as she gets older. In fact, that is really all she needs to get stronger - get older. She can also fly but her wings are decoration only; she can fly without them but her powers project wings as a result of Celestial pride. A minor ability of note is that because she is a Celestial, unless under control from a stronger power, the elements and elementals in the area are contract bound to obey her, especially sky and wind spirits, which she has an affinity for [b]How you could work in a team:[/b] Tank and heavy attacker [b]Personality:[/b] Arrogant, bossy and hates being disobeyed as well as impatient. Because she was born a Celestial, she looks down on humans, even if they can use magic. She has her good sides, but they're generally reserved for people who she actually likes, but that also means that whoever she likes can tolerate her haughtiness, so it's a two-fold problem. She is also energetic and tomboyish. As she has gotten older, she has calmed down a bit. Somewhat. Maybe. Probably. [b]History:[/b] The favorite prodigal daughter of the Celestial dwellers, Mithrail was blessed with many things, but was also cursed with an absolutely rotten personality (at least in comparison to her more benevolent and patient brethren) because of this, she got into many arguments with her father and others about her treatment of 'mud-dwellers'. Eventually, she was sent down to earth to teach her a lesson. The place she was sent to was specifically to a school that could handle her power as a Celestial. During the explosion, Mithrail was taken back to the Heavenly Plane and spent a few years recovering. She was quickly sent back to a more 'ordinary' school in the human world, and since she was in a place surrounded by people she could accidentally kill, her tendency to abuse her strength mellowed out. Several things happened then, and currently she is married and a mother of a half-celestial. [b]Other:[/b] Likes sweet and cuddly things in secret! But above all, she loves her husband and child. Because her husband is human, she has considerably changed her treatment towards them, however they are still lower beings in her opinion - her husband Michael is not a human in her eyes, but someone above Gods and a perfect existence. Don't point out the fact that she's a young mother. She doesn't like it. Originally, her last name was made up and had no meaning, but ever since she married, it has become a permanent part of her name. [h3][center]*~*~*[/center][/h3] Name: Michael Deslin-Godsend [center][hider][center][b]Photo:[/b] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Wander.full.1828077.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Abilities:[/b] Strong, fast, durable (but not as much as Mithrail; he's just above human levels) and a good sword fighter. His main abilities come from his equipment: A sword that boosts his strength and intuition and also has the ability to cut through supernatural occurrences, a shield that stops him from ever getting tired or feeling pain. The scabbard of his sword comes with powerful regeneration abilities that can even stop major wounds from killing him, however it's abilities slow down considerably when he is still awake and active. It's much more potent when he's asleep. His final weapon is a bow that ignores barriers of any kind (including physical ones), and the only way to not get hurt by it is by dodging. He also has the ability to read thoughts. [b]How you could work in a team:[/b] Support or for surgical strikes. [b]Personality:[/b] He's normally laid back and very relaxed, and even seems to be a bit lazy. When confronted with a problem, he is headstrong about facing it and never makes excuses for himself. He is a determined person and never takes anything for granted. Michael tries hard to not just protect but nurture those around him. He is a natural born teacher and a very good person to talk to when you're troubled, as he doesn't mind having to keep quiet and listen, and he quickly gets to the root of the problem. In terms of relationships, he would sooner die than let anything happen to Mithrail - but his determination to live with her far outweighs his determination to die for her. [b]History:[/b] Michael was fairly normal boy - the only thing special about him was his ability to read thoughts. He was a good person at heart, really, but he never got the chance to show it. His ability to read minds made him realize how dull and directionless so many people were, and though he tried to help them, he could not. Michael resigned himself to a dull existence, where even if he was 'special' because of his ability, there was nothing he could do with it. Reading minds does not actually do much for a person, in reality. One day, however, he encountered a person with thoughts so loud and so bright, he couldn't help but get pulled towards her. That three years ago, when he met Mithrail Godsend. In the years that followed, many fantastic (not to mention dangerous) events happened, and it culminated in their marriage. Along the way, he acquired his weapons and strengths. [b]Other:[/b] His special skills include gambling, painting, sleeping, cooking, eating and horseback riding. He rarely reads minds anymore. He has a passionate love of killing demons. Don't hurt Mithrail or make her cry. [b]Or Else.[/b]