I will post my npc's before I post Reyes update and my new chara! (Tada!) I think NP will be fine with this but if he isn't I will revise as needed ( I ran government stuff last game at least politics) At least here is a short list. The President(Female), elected in 2016 due to fractured opposition. Even though she is the same party as her predecessor she has different veiws of the meta population. More willing to work with pro-meta groups. Vice President Davis Lawton, former White House Chief of Staff, US Congressman and governor. Was Chief of Staff in the previous administration during the LA crisis. Was tapped by the President as her running mate in 2016. While not trusting of all metas he feels that killing them is horrible. Speaker Roland Martin, Speaker of the US House and the President's opponent on every issue. Director Ryan Franklin, FBI Director Elena's boss at the FB Agent Kumiko Fujiyama. Assistant Director Elena Reyes right hand at the FBI Meta human unit. The Director: a mysterious intelligence and security boss for an unnamed agency. Often seen lurking in the back of Press conferences.