Zia twisted in her den, she was having a nightmare. Any onlookers would see her in her twisted state, as she whimpered and cried. With a final whimper she was awake, standing up to her full height before stretching, her belly low to the ground. Her tail swayed back and forth and she huffed, feeling flustered. She hated having those random nightmares, and they were usually about the strangest things. She crawled out of her den and looked around, the crisp air running it's way through her fur. She loved the spring air, it was cool, and everything was melting around her, so she was usually covered in dew. She smiled, her tail swinging back and forth. She wondered where the others were, and sniffed the air lightly. The rest of the pack was gathered somewhere, and she hurried off to find them. She saw them all in their groups, and tilted her head to the side. "[Color=lightblue]Have you already done everything without me, guys?[/color]" She barked, a calm smile dancing across her features. She walked cautiously over to Lily and Renzo, but her ears caught a fragment of a sentence, something about 'interests' and she backed off.