[quote=@Caits] [@daxam] can you post your character here please? I'm been having trouble copying and pasting in my phone and theres no way I can get my laptop open at the moment So sorry for the delay [/quote] No worries, here it is ^^ Character Sheet Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall Age: 25 Magic: Gun Magic List of guns: For mid-range: [hider=Model 94 Winchester Repeater][img]http://www.chuckhawks.com/win_centennial_66-2.jpg[/img][/hider] For long-range: [hider=L115A3 Sniper Rifle][img]http://truthaboutguns-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/L115A3-Long-Range-Rifle.jpg[/img][/hider] For close-range: [hider=S&W 610][img]http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/c/c8/Smith_%26_Wesson_Modelo_610.jpg/400px-Smith_%26_Wesson_Modelo_610.jpg[/img][/hider] Magic Level: B History: Ever since he was a young boy, Zac had always been carefree and, well, happy. He had a loving mother and father, everyone in his small town loved him, except for the bullies, although even they couldn't help but respect the lengths the young boy would go to to protect others. When he was sixteen, a group of bandits had arrived and was threatening to burn the small town down unless the villagers did as they ordered. Zac, despite his parents trying to keep him back, had stepped forward, ready to defend his home, only to be beaten for it by the bandits. Deciding to punish the entire village for his bravery, the leader ordered the village wiped out. Hearing this, a new flame of defiance, along with something else, ignited inside of Zac's heart. Before he knew it, he was on his feet, light flashing in his hands as he raises them. A moment later, the sound of a gunshot still rolling through the still air, the leader fell to the ground, a new hole in his chest. It took a long time, during which, the village had alienated Zac. They had seen magic, of course, but, as sudden and explosive as Zac's power was, they had no idea how to handle him, anymore. His parents, however, were more than willing to help him master his powers, hoping the village would accept him once more. Two years later, as they normally do, rumors had spread, making their way to the commander of Fiore's military, who had sent out a man to the small village with the gun mage, who would become Zac's mentor for the next several years. Over the years, Zac's abilities had grown, allowing him to summon a wider assortment of firearms, and honing his prowess with each weapon to near-superhuman levels. He had become part of an elite two-man team, consisting of himself and his mentor, which had seen a surprising amount of action during the relatively peaceful time Fiore shared with her fellow nations. Eventually, the toll of taking so many lives had finally begun weighing down on Zac's conscience. During the day, he was fine, but he would wake his mentor in the middle of the night, due to his nightmares. Despite his protests, his mentor had talked their commanders into letting the younger man go. Not knowing what else to do, yet still wanting to protect as many people as he could, he had decided to join a guild, where he could still put his abilities to good use while hopefully giving his mind time to recover. Personality: Most of the time, Zac is the happiest man you could ever meet, his smile almost infectious, no matter how bad of a day one may have. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Thanks to his natural ability, as well as the training he had received, Zac is accurate up to five miles with a rifle 2. Although he tends to be hyperactive in his down time, Zac is perfectly capable of remaining still for long periods of time 3. A mean cook Three Weaknesses: 1. Not very skilled in hand-to-hand and prefers to have one of his guns between himself and an enemy 2. Despite his time in the military, he tends to be merciful, especially to women and disarmed opponents 3. Can be too patient, even if it means waiting for days on end Greatest Love: (Zac): Food! :D Motivation: To keep those close to him from dying and to protect those who can't protect themselves Appearance: [hider=Zac][img]http://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/724-1606228608.jpg[/img][/hider] Additional Details: Still haunted by nightmares of the lives he had taken, although he does his best to hide it