I have some new treats! First up is Nobrain, who is still, I believe, catching up. [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-cRijj5bVq1Y/VPKRQSm3nlI/AAAAAAAAA2A/zNNmHyM_I0c/w233-h552-no/Warriors%2B-%2BRakim.png[/img][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-p_m7GxB-9gc/VPKRQCQjqqI/AAAAAAAAA14/QLU--QWUdX4/w262-h235-no/Symbols%2B-%2BRakim.png[/img] And next is Skyrte's Ineko, without the Damascus armor, since I don't feel like I could do a better job than the image he already has. [img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-FNY1yAHD_uA/VPKRQR3j1eI/AAAAAAAAA18/xvqaN0Op_ZM/w234-h496-no/Warriors%2B-%2BIneko.png[/img] Lots of layers. Undersuit, hoodie, and scarf, not to mention cybernetics mouthparts. If the pattern you described on your sheet wasn't polka dots, I don't know what is. If you're wondering, the only part where his actual skin is showing is his face, the rest is undersuit.