[h3]Konrad[/h3] Finding the dorms, Konrad worked his way long the corridor skirting round anyone else and searching for his room, glancing at the doors he noticed that every room had two people’s names on the plaques on the doors, but when he finally found his name right at the end it was on it’s own, no other name. Which meant, no roommate. Konrad wasn’t sure whether to be pleased or sad. He settled for pleased, plenty of time to be sad later. And any way they hadn't used his real name, but rather his alias of Konrad Tinker. Pushing his way into the room he found it was set up for two, smallish and plain, with simple, practical, furniture. Flinging his bags on a bed, Konrad pulled at his ‘workshop’ and expanded it a size, making it possible to access some of his more basic tools. Grabbing a pair of pliers he plopped onto the bed and started tying in loose ends of wire, weaving the anklet together. Snatching a thread from his shirt Konrad wove that in as well, brilliant blue mixing with the copper and gold. Thinking of that, time to change. His mother had made him dress in ‘fine clothes fit for a prince’ but to Konrad they were just unnecessarily bright and gaudy, almost announcing what he was. Riffling through one of his bags he pulled out his usual worn dark tee-shirt and three quarter pants. Closing his door he discarded the royal blue tasseled something-or-other-else his mother had decided on and pulled on the comfortable [i]normal[/i] clothes.