Yes! Thanks ArtofFun! Also, I think we may need to seriously reevaluate what Ghouls and Investigators are capable of in terms of combat before this RP edges into any real fighting. I know a lot of people here haven't read the manga, so I'll try to keep it as spoiler free as possible. Everyone knows Ghouls can dodge bullets and Ukaku types in particular like Ayato are more than likely capable of moving at supersonic speeds in short bursts. However, late in the first manga (chapter 113 for anyone who's interested), Arima fights an SS rank Ghoul during a flashback using an Ukaku quinque. Not only does Arima's quinque actually shoot goddamn [i]lightning[/i], but the Ghoul he's fighting dodges it from close range by literally backflipping out of the way of the lightning bolts. In other words, [i]holy fuck that is fast.[/i] I literally just read this chapter and I was like "welp". It just goes to show that Ghouls and the CCG's top-ranking Investigators are nothing to fuck with.