Yes for the most part I thought you did pretty well in the roleplay. Glacier was a fun challenge, making an ice-jin in a way that limited the power to everyone else's level. When she finally managed to unlock her 2nd form though, her power level was so below everyone else's better forms, which was fine since I decided to go the tactical fighter route rather than brute force. My character seemed to be the only one who actually tried to take advantage of opponent's weaknesses like in your Devastator fight. Time stuff is cool but can get too confusing so an alternate reality setting would probably work best. Best to avoid anything with saiyan population explosions, both with player characters and npcs. If this roleplay had continued on I was seriously wondering how Glacier was going to keep up after achieving her 'Cooler' transformation since I had little doubt saiyans were gonna go SSJ2 and up. Anyway got to work on my 'The Seer' roleplay first before thinking about something like this.