Dima awoke from his elevated position. He was up at the crack of dawn as usual. The fresh smell of early mornings were Dima's favorite part of the day. He climbed down from the treestand and stretched. [i]raaaaaaa[/i] Dima's stomach rumbled. He hadn't eaten in what felt like an eternity. Ever since the animals disappeared. Dima's food ran out a few days ago and it was having a profound effect on him. He didn't want to leave the serenity of the forest but he has to. "Victor will be furious, he thought." Dima grabbed his gear and began the trek north. He emerged from the forest to the bank of the lake. He could see the docks with his binoculars. "Strange, he thought" "Everyone should be working now. First shift started an hour ago." Dima hadn't seen a single living thing in weeks. He looked at his reflection in the murky water. Suddenly, without warning, he heard what sounded like gunfire in the distance. [i]Help me!!!!! Oh God.... Please help. Rahggggg!!!!!!![/i] Screams and more gunfire. All the blood drained from Dima's face. He started running. But to where? No time to think. Just run. His heart was beating fast. Pounding into his chest like a fist. Dima never ran so fast in his life. Finally, he made it to the road. The sign read, "Highway 70 S" "What?" Abandoned cars where everywhere. Broken glass littered the roadway. A-aand blood. Dima felt a knot in his throat and swallowed hard. "Is this a wreck?" "No bodies though, or police." Dima thought. "What the Aap is going here!?!" He yelled.