Here's my CS, ready for inspection. I may have gone a little overboard with the biography, so let me know if I need to dial it back a bit. I'll edit tomorrow. [h3]Dove[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Saito Yuuma [b]Nicknames:[/b] None at the moment, as he's been off-duty for a year. [hider=Appearance] [center] [img][/img] [/center] [/hider] [b]Appearance Description:[/b] Yuuma stands fairly tall at 182cm, and is lean, weighing barely over 65kg. He has black hair and light-brown, almost reddish eyes. He usually dresses as pictured, forgoing any sort of overcoat unless the weather really calls for it. Light-pink burn scars cover his right arm and shoulder, ending on the lower-right portion of his jaw. He isn't very conscious of them and makes no attempt to cover up; in fact, he could even be considered prideful of them, as they are proof of his greatest achievement. [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] Rank 2 Ghoul Investigator [hider=Quinque] The Koukaku-type [i]Homewrecker[/i] takes the shape of a giant axe. One side of the head is blunt, and the other is sharp, allowing for either smashing or slicing, as Yuuma sees fit. Both the handle and head can grow and shrink, giving it versatility, and it can block attacks effectively. It feels light to the user, making it possible to wield, while still being capable of doing plenty of damage. Looks something like this, without the chains and spiked blade-edge: [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Personality] Yuuma is a sharp, quick-thinking man. He is always observing and noting his surroundings, something he has done his entire life. He's calm and easy-going when off-duty, happy to keep co-workers company and make conversation. On-duty, however, he prefers efficiency -- everything he says is simple and to the point. He always has his job in mind, and everything he does is done to finish that job as quickly and perfectly as he can. Nothing is wasted, neither time nor energy. He has no hatred for ghouls as a species; he simply views them as humans who have the capability to be more dangerous and destructive than your average Joe. He does, however, have a bad habit of categorizing things as either 'good' or 'bad' -- rarely is there a middle ground. When he decides someone is evil, he will go to extreme lengths to kill them, to the point where he often no longer seems sane. Likewise, he does everything he can to protect those he deems 'good.' His criteria for what makes someone 'good' or 'bad' tend to be very loose, and highly affected by his emotional state, but most often boils down to: hurting innocent people, human or ghoul, lands you on his bad side. Yuuma doesn't enjoy fighting and killing, he simply sees it as a necessity. [/hider] [hider=Biography] Like any other child, Yuuma was taught to fear ghouls. All the adults did, so he should too. That belief was challenged one night, when he was seven years old. A frenzied ghoul broke into his home, killing both his parents. The traumatized boy could only stare as he saw the ghoul pulling his father and mother apart, before making his way over to Yuuma, kagune out and ready to strike. Before that could happen, however, a second ghoul entered the picture, and attacked the first. After a short struggle, the frenzied ghoul was dead. The man who had saved Yuuma looked around, and realized that the boy had lost his parents. He picked up the unmoving boy gently, deciding to unofficially adopt him. It took a while for Yuuma to recover from that night, but eventually he did, and greatly warmed up to his adoptive father, who simply went by the name Jun. Jun raised Yuuma as best as he could, getting him to go to school and just generally live a normal, human life. he also taught the young boy about ghouls, and how a lot of them weren't evil monsters like the general public believed. The most important thing Jun passed down to Yuuma was his sense of justice. Jun spent most of his time being a vigilante, killing problematic ghouls and humans alike, always doing his best to protect those who did no wrong. The CCG eventually, inevitably, caught up to him. Yuuma was 12, hanging out in his room, when he heard the loud commotion downstairs. Running down, he saw Jun dead at the feet of two Ghoul Investigators. At that moment, Yuuma [i]hated[/i] humans, more than he had ever hated ghouls. They had killed a man who had done nothing but devote his life to keeping innocents safe. The investigators would have killed Yuuma, too, had one not noticed that he wasn't a ghoul in time. From there, he was considered a victim, someone who had been held captive by Jun, and was promptly enrolled into the Academy. During his years there, he grew into his own and shined. He vowed to continue Jun's work, deciding to become as strong as he could to eliminate all the evil in the world. Always the top of his class, he showed great promise, being extremely resourceful, analytical, and efficient. He graduated at 18 and was given the title of Rank 2 Investigator. His very first assignment - a B rank ghoul who worked for another, more important ghoul that the CCG was lacking information on - gave a perfect example of the extreme lengths he'd go to. Simply put, to get closer to the ghoul, Yuuma ate human meat with no hesitation; it was an act that bought him just enough time to capture and extract information from the ghoul, before putting a bullet in his head. During his first two years of service, Yuuma's track record was golden. Every job he had been assigned had been completed, with minimal casualties. He had received his first Quinque, and learnt to wield it well. He was known to disobey orders somewhat regularly, due to his own moral compass, much to the chagrin of his partner, Kazushi, but it always seemed to work out, meaning Yuuma only ever received slaps on the wrist. He didn't like his partner, the leader of the duo, at all. The man was malicious, and loved killing any ghoul he came across. After seeing him cut down a child ghoul, Yuuma resolved to kill him. The opportunity presented itself one fateful night. The assignment was a fairly simple one, and very reminiscent of his first job: the duo were to track down and capture a rank A ghoul, who was part of a small, troublesome gang lead by an S-rank. The goal was to get information on the S rank. The search lead them to an out-of-the way house, which appeared empty at first. It was quickly revealed to be an ambush, with all six members of the gang in question present. It should have been a slaughter -- 5 A-ranked ghouls and an S-rank, up against only two investigators, with the element of surprise on their side. And as it turned out, it was exactly that: a slaughter. Having mapped out the entire house and everything in it in the short time he had walked around inside it, Yuuma developed a plan. He pick-pocketed Kazushi, taking the mans oft-used lighter, and kicked him into the ghouls' clutches, buying himself extra time. He scrambled through the kitchen, ripping a piece of paper off the fridge as he ran by it. He made his way down the hall, three of the ghouls chasing him after him, climbing over one another in a frenzy. He barreled into the house's side-garage, lighting the paper on fire and dropping it near the door. Scooping up two plastic gasoline cans, he tossed them hard at the walls beside the paper, causing them to burst and splash their contents everywhere. The fire immediately caught, and began spreading quickly thanks to how much fuel it had. The ghouls leaped through the fire, kagune's out, ready to tear Yuuma apart. The young man did everything he could to bide his time -- he quickly shot off every bullet in his clip, and then brought down shelves and junk between him and his enemies. The blaze grew and grew, the heat and smoke making everyone's lives harder. All the while, Yuuma eyed the stack of propane tanks in the corner, willing them to explode from the heat. And explode they did, spectacularly. After the first one went off, the rest quickly followed. Intense heat and pain hit Yuuma's right side, and a moment later the entire building started coming down. The young man was lucky; the blast knocked him back, sending him through the wall as it collapsed, out into the cold winter air. He scrambled back, unable to stop himself from groaning in pain. He realized with a little sadness that he had dropped his Quinque, which was now certainly destroyed. His ordeal wasn't quite over yet. The S-ranked ghoul crawled out of the rubble, holding and biting into a charred arm. He was in far worse shape than Yuuma was, but the investigator knew he wouldn't be like that for long. If he was allowed a few moments to eat the arm, he'd certainly be well enough to kill. So Yuuma did the only thing he could think of. He forced himself up and charged, jumping on the surprised ghoul and pinning him to the ground, raining violent blows down on his face. A weakened version of the ghouls kagune emerged, quickly striking at Yuuma. Yuuma reacted, knocking it downwards, causing it to pierce into the lower-left half of his stomach -- it hurt, but was far better than taking it in the chest. Driven by pain and adrenaline, Yuuma grabbed a nearby splintered piece of wood, and viciously drove it into the weak ghoul over and over. The kagune eventually receded out of Yuuma's stomach, and the exhausted boy realized his target was dead -- along with everyone else who had been in the building. He passed out right there, filled with pride and satisfaction that he'd been able to remove so much evil from existence in one night, no matter how lucky he had gotten. When he woke up he was in a hospital, burns covering the entire outside of his right arm, all the way up his neck and ending just on the bottom right of his jaw. This would leave a noticeable scar. He spent the next year recovering from his injuries and getting back into shape, while enjoying his small amount of new-found fame for single-handedly killing the gang of ghouls. He's finally been cleared for active-duty, and has received his new Quinque, Homewrecker, created from the S-ranked he killed. Now his goal is to get promoted, so he can go after more dangerous ghouls. [/hider]