[h2]Celeste[/h2] Celeste was taken back a bit when Lilly declined her offer. And her reasoning made some sense, but Celeste didn't want to be in some air-tight unit that basically left its members to themselves, where the only talking was combat communication. She wanted to get to know the members of her squad. While some might hint at the more perverted things in that sentence, Celeste knew where to pull the stops. She had a feeling that any relationship deeper than best friends might bring some complications to the squads functionality. She did have to admit she did find some of the squad members attractive, she'd wait till after the war to try and date any of them. Bringing her attention back to the scenario in front of her. [b]"I understand what you're getting at. But it doesn't hurt to get to know each other anyway. Everyone's papers gave a vague idea on their backgrounds, would be nice to get a more detailed picture of where everyone comes from."[/b] She looked at Lilly's posture [b]"Also, when you're around me, you can be more relaxed. But I'd say get into attention should the Darcsen be around, don't know how strict he is with that stuff."[/b] She began walking towards the showers [b]"You can come along if you wish to chat some more. If not, then you're free to go where you wanted to."[/b] [h2]Brenna[/h2] Brenna was caught off guard by the Sergeants sudden appearance. She quickly got into attention, saluting the Sergeant. She did find it weird that the Sergeant had come from behind a corner. She felt that someone might be watching her stealthily, but didn't expect to be the Sergeant, she had expected it to be one of the Privates, or even one of the two Lance Corporals. But the Sergeant?! She had a few ideas why he might be sneaking around, she just hoped it wasn't any of the reasons related to helping the Imps. He had asked her if she was getting some air. Brenna shook her head, she was there to avoid any social interaction, but it was obvious it had found her. And with the person talking to her being the squads Sergeant, she couldn't just casually dismiss it and walk away. Then he said they never had a chance to talk, and asked where she was from. Brenna had no idea where she was born, but knew where she had lived for most of her time growing up, then the town she moved to once she was old enough. [b]"That town"[/b] she simply answered, hoping the Sergeant knew she was mentioning the town that the militia was meeting in and was now under Imp control. [b]"I was a baker"[/b]. Her heart started to beat faster and heavier, caused by both the social interaction and the thoughts of Imps burning her writings and paintings for fun.