[b]Seraphian home system[/b] From the darkness of the void, they came. First the scouting fighters to make sure that the path was clear, then the frigates to offer cover and support for the scouts. The cruisers arrived shortly after the landing zone was secured to ensure that it stayed that way before finally the flagship [i]Judgement of Carrion[/i]of warband [i]Blood Harvest[/i] arrived in system. They would have the honor of first contact with the heathen xeno's that lived in this system and they would be the ones to enlighten them of the might of the true gods. As the heavily armed and armored ships sailed silently through the void of space towards the planet, the scouts went ahead to scan the planet for a good foothold on the planet proper. Several possible sites were found and considered before one was finally selected. It was admittingly a little ways away from the nearest settlement but the remoteness only helped ensure its tactical value, nestled between three mountains with only one side open enough to allow access to and from the chosen site. There was a lake there that was being fed by a river from the mountains but its safety would have to be confirmed by some of the Mortarion agents that had come along for the right to say they were among the first to set foot here before it was considered a drinking source. There were even defensive positions that could be taken on the mountains surrounding the landing site that would be taken and secured alongside the rest of the foothold. The ships of warband [i]Blood Harvest[/i] arranged themselves above the chosen landing zone, their intention to ensure that this corridor of entry would remained open and secure for supplies, warriors and equipment that needed to go planet side or things that needed to be sent off world. And anything that tried to interfere with that would wind up very much dead. Without fanfare but with an atmosphere of excitement none the less, landfall was made. ................................. Summary: The warband [i]Blood Harvest[/i] has made landfall on the Seraphian home world and is currently working overtime to ensure their foothold on the planet. Warmaster Sif is currently ongoing recovery and training in her new biotic powers back on Tizca.