It could just be another sob story but he couldn’t think about looking for holes in it when her tone spoke of sincerity. He was certain he was some sort of fool these days. To keep letting himself be lead on like this. To feel bad for a potential imposter whose past may only be something fabricated to stir sympathy in him. He didn’t know why he offered to take her down to the garden. His sister and him use to spend many hours out here and it almost felt like betrayal to invite her in Anatasia’s place but it had been spur of the moment. He just hadn’t thought… “It was enough. They knew they weren’t my sister and yet they intentionally tried to fool me into believing otherwise.” It was heartless. It had never been for his benefit but their own. His sister couldn’t be like that. He hoped where ever she was she was raised better than that. He finally sat down on the bench as well as Pooka leapt into Anna’s lap. “I lost my whole family that night and to have lost Anatasia as well… I felt like I had failed them.” He shouldn’t be sharing this with her- even if her act seemed real. He shouldn’t give her any angles she could use to get closer. “If a nameless girl had appeared in the hospital that night- I would have thought the authorities would inform me. It is upsetting to think if this is a case that they marked if off as nothing. With holding the information from me for one reason or another.” Assuring him that they were doing everything in their power to sort this out and find his sister. To he far there was so much chaos following that night that their hands must have been pretty full. There was theft and assault and petty crimes. All to deal with after the fact. Not to mention clearing their name. “I assumed they would have looked into at one point. Even if not immediately. I had trusted them to get back to me on the matter.”