Jacque sat in the cafeteria a fair distance away from the Enforcers as well as most of the Inspectors. The table he sat at was pretty barren, with the only things within Jacque's personal space being the cane he had propped up against his leg, a half eaten trail mix bar that lie more or less forgotten, and his work laptop, which he typed away at with near supernatural speed. Jacque paused for a moment to look at his comrades, however his fingers never stopped moving as he filled out yet another request for re-evaluation of the crime coefficient of an Enforcer that had been transferred out of his command. His gaze lingered momentarily over the Enforcers as they ate and socialized, then returned to the laptop as he finished typing and pressed send. He did not care about them or their habits in the slightest, only in their ability to follow orders without deviation or insubordination. "[b]I swear with each transfer if feels more and more like we're scraping the bottom of the barrel to get these dogs.[/b]" He muttered with a hint of annoyance as he exited the page and brought up another one, this one showing a map shaded in different hues and a chart depicting the rises or decreases in crime coefficients for each area. Jacque hated sitting around doing nothing, it was like stagnating, and stagnation was the enemy of progress. A few years ago progress got Jacque paid, and to this day he still kept that mentality. Jacque propped his elbow up on the table, and his chin onto his hand as he tried to discern which area would likely see a rise in crime coefficients in the near future, if only so he could ask to cover that section when the rise occurred.