[b][u]Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing[/u][/b] Jakob tried to give a warm smile to his new Dornish acquaintance however his eyes were still quite dry and so the appearance was of an obviously fake smile, when in reality it was genuine. Running his hands over his face, Jakob chuckled at her mention of her own height. At least this was a lady who didn't take herself too seriously, much like young Khailey, and it was a nice change from most of the ladies that came from the Riverlands. As she introduced herself Jakob made a slight bow and then stood upright again, holding his spine slightly straighter than before. A natural reaction to anyone of a Great House. Reaching too one side Jakob plucked a new cup of wine from a platter and offered it too Adrienne. "Well Adrienne Martell, daughter of Prince Olyvar, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing. I don't suppose we'll ever have properly spoken. Dorn is practically a different country to the Riverlands. I apologise for my discrepancy earlier, I am in quite the rush. The Twins very rarely boasts a guest list quite like this and so if I wish to network, one must do it now. For example with a Dornish princess. How goes Dorn?" Just then another woman arrived, for Jakob he couldn't believe his luck, but then his mind returned to business and he looked the newcomer for a sigil. He then spotted the Stag and knew it was one of the last Baratheons. Jakob was openly surprised that any remained as he knew how much the Targaryens had lost to Robert over 2 centuries ago. "Evening, my lady. I did not think the Baratheons would want to be here. However it is always a pleasure. If you do not mind, I was just asking my young friend here about Dorn. Perhaps after you may tell us of the Stormlands?" With these two new parties Jakob's mind was spinning with possibilities and plans. With the conversation looking to take a turn that he wanted Jakob leaned over and asked an orderly to find and bring Ser Vernan Lannister. This may quickly become a conversation he wanted to be part of.