2 more spots left open, [@Automaton]. Also, everyone I'm done with the OOC, but I'll wait for you guys to finish editing your characters before posting it :) [@DiamondBlizzard] accepted, but distance is limited to what he can see only no matter which universe (unless it doesn't work at all) [@Kafka Komedy] accepted [@malmshodes] accepted, however his biokinesis works only on touch no matter which universe (unless it doesn't work at all) [@MagusDream] accepted [@That AWFUL Guy] accepted, as for adding DC . . . in all honesty, I was planning on adding DC and Marvel, however, I haven't kept up with either lately (I blame my budget) and universes with multiple universes are so hard to plot (mostly because it's difficult just [i]picking[/i] which on) If you have an idea of what to do for DC or Marvel, PM me :) [@PaulHaynek] trust me, over half the universes here will be an absolute terror to you guys, no matter what power you choose xD