[quote=@TheHangedMan] [@DiamondBlizzard] accepted, but distance is limited to what he can see only no matter which universe (unless it doesn't work at all) [/quote] SO I CAN'T MANIPULATE THE DISTANCE INSIDE SOMEONE'S BODY TO MAKE THEM DIE DUE TO BLOOD NOT REACHING THE HEART?! No, I'm joking. But, question: if I were to memorize the direction and distance between two or three points, I could create a sort of teleportation 'network' to get to places quickly, would this be allowed? Xander would carry a pedometer of course as to calculate distances, and a notebook and pen to write down the distances and make a rough map. [Img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SWF9i3Vzpac/TM24lFuu0HI/AAAAAAAAA-g/KwYXzbQnaqA/s72-c/Neo+dodges+the+bullet.gif[/img] Distance Manipulating time^ EDIT: God dang it, sorry for quoting everyone.