[h1]On The Roleplay Itself[/h1] Four high school age teenagers, from modern day Tokyo, find themselves waking up in a dark gloomy forest. They don't know how they got there, or who they were before, their minds are blank. Everything around them is dark, there's not a spot of color anywhere except for them. Save for a tiny, glowing, crimson butterfly that seemed to be trying to lead them somewhere. They follow and are led through the forest in the only safe way there is. As they go they come across various items, notes, and pictures that are clues to who they are and what happened to them. Here's the deal. They're all dead. They each died in a different way, the defaults are murder, suicide, illness, and accident, but can be changed if you would like. As long as all four are different. The character I will be playing is called the Crimson Man he takes of the form of the crimson butterfly and tries to lead the dead teenagers to safety. He died a long time age and doesn't want anybody to suffer the same fate he did. This moves us on to part two. After making it to the end of the forest and discovering who they are, each character is reborn. Their lives are exactly the same as they were before, with one exception. Before every one of them dies, a man with crimson hair mysteriously appears and saves them. They get together, this time in the living world and try to solve the mystery of the Crimson Man. Because for the first time since he began saving people, they actually remember him. Basically I'll be acting as a proper GM for this. I'll post something long and detailed about the world around the characters, color coding things so you can know what's important to your character (I'll get to that in a minute), and telling you where the crimson butterfly is leading you. Then there's a round of posting, one post per person, and we decide whether we want to go another round or two or three, whatever, before I post again. As for the color coding, I want each of you to pick a color that's different and I'll be using that to let you know what's important to your character or what clue goes to them. You can use it for colored dialogue if you like, but it isn't needed. [h1]On Characters and Character Sheets[/h1] There will be five characters and five characters only. No exceptions, I don't care if you really like this and want to join but the slots are full, I have this designed around a specific number for a reason. You must reserve a character slot before making a character. Reservations last for 24 hours, if I don't have a WIP or completed sheet by then, you lose your slot. If you don't finish your WIP character in another 24 hours, you lose your slot. If you need a little more time, PM me and give me your reason, mostly likely I'll give it to you. I just don't want to be waiting a week to start because of one person. Character 1: [color=red]The Crimson Man[/color] - Played by FantasyDreams Character 2: [color=ec008c]The Suicide Girl[/color] - Played by kittenlover Character 3: [color=6ecff6]The Murdered Boy[/color] - Played by Hebigami Shiho Character 4: [color=FF9900]The Sickly Girl[/color] - Played by WanderBug Character 5: [color=228b22]The Accident Boy[/color] - Played by Taro And here's the character sheet, I want these sections used, but you can format it however you like. Keep in mind that after you character is accepted, you're going to PM me a detailed background for your character so I can decide what clues they find throughout the forest. Name: (The setting is modern Japan, choose a name accordingly) Age: (Between 15-18) Gender: (Anything goes) Appearance: (At least a picture, height and weight please. More would be better) Personality: (At least a paragraph please. More would be better) Physical Traits: (Are they clumsy? Are they graceful? Do they have really good hearing? Do they have no sense of smell? At least three) Mental Traits: (Are they fast thinking? Do they have ADD? Are they OCD? Are they a genius? At least three) Color: (What color do you want to be used for their color coding? Put either the name of the color or the code used in the color chosen) How they died: (Did they kill themselves? Were they sick? Put some detail into this, it's an important part of the RP) Clues Discovered: (Add to this as we go. You'll put what item, picture or note they found at what it has to do with their past.) [h1]Rules, Rules, and More Rules[/h1] 1. BE ACTIVE. I'm not expecting you to post once a day or anything like that. But because of the nature of posting in rounds, I don't want to be waiting on one person forever. If you can post every other day that would be great. 2. BE READABLE. I don't have perfect grammar and punctuation, and I'm not expecting you to have it either. But I want PROPER grammar and punctuation, no leet speek or text talk or any of that garbage. If something is unreadable, due to miss types or something, I'll let you know. If refuse to fix it, BYE. 3. DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL. This is a high casual RP, meaning at least 2 paragraphs every post. You have no excuse not to, because I'll be giving you a lot of detail about the world. You'll have plenty to write about. If you can't do this, leave now I don't want you here. 4. NO BITCHING. My word is law. PERIOD. If I tell you to change something, either change it or get the hell out. You don't get to be an exception to the rules. 5. READ THE FUCKING RULES. Its amazing how stupid some people are and refuse to read the rules before joining an RP. As such I want you to put a code phrase into your reservation post. That code phrase is, the crimson man is a crimson butterfly. If you don't add this, you don't get accepted. Period. 6. KEEPING FIGHTING TO A MINIMUM. You heard me right. I'm not going to be a piece of fluffy that thinks their RP is going to be nothing but sunshine and rainbows. When people get together like this, there is going to be fighting. It just happens. But there will be no swearing and no yelling if you do get in a fight. If things go too far I'LL stop the fight. And you don't want me doing that. Arguing is healthy, it means we aren't just sheep and actually have our own likes and dislikes. Just don't take things too far. If you don't want to fight, great, more power to you. But some people, like myself, are fighters by nature. 7. DON'T BE A DICK. Which basically means, no godmodding, no power play, no meta gaming. If I catch you doing this, you're gone, immediately. There's no excuse for being an ass. 8. DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK. There's going to be swearing, there's going to be dark subjects, this isn't an RP for little kids. If you don't think you can handle this, don't reserve a character. Nothing against you at all, I just wanted to do a darker RP. It won't be mature rated, so take it to the PMs if you want your characters to have sexy time. [h1]Posting Information[/h1] As I mentioned above, we'll be going in rounds of posting. It isn't any specific order, whenever you can get your post in for that round is fine. I just don't want to leave anybody behind. I'll always post first, giving you details about the area, what obstacles there are, or what clues they'll find. Then you guys post a round, we decide if we want to go another round or two or three, whatever, then rinse and repeat. I have a feeling the first couple of my posts are going to be a little ways apart, just so the your characters can get comfortable with each other. That's fine, I don't care at all.