[hider=just gonna put this here...] [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/020/9/c/anime_guy_render_by_feary_bad_day-d5s4834.png[/img] [/hider] Ghoul Mask: N/A Name: Giichi Hadwin Nicknames: // Age: 19 Gender: Male Rank: A/B (sorta a B.5, but a wanna be Kakuja) Kagune: Virtually a [url=http://i.stack.imgur.com/Z1OT0.jpg]flying bison's tail[/url] that flops a foot over his head, stopping just above eye level. RC Type: Bikaku Personality: A very sweet, positive, honorable type guy.... unless you're a ghoul that's about to become lunch. A bit twisted, but a genius that understands what it takes to reach higher levels of power. He doesn't want to waste his time eating humans, but will settle a bite or two or sip of coffee if it gets him closer to his true food. Biography: Grew up in a ghoul family that cherished human life to the best of their ability, only eating when necessary and only on those who have passed, or whose condition was terminal. His family focused entirely on education for him. If he wasn't in school, he was drilled to study everything he knew until he passed his entrance exams to the university. Here, he took a course in biology that talked about ghouls, their increase of their Rc factor, and how it was theorized that the cannibals used the increased boost of Rc to quickly gather greater strength faster. It was there that his education came to an end. The following week on the news, a report came stating the sad, bloody disappearance of the friendly Mr. and Mrs. Hadwin who actually turned out to be ghouls. No word as to what has happened to their now missing son, whose blood was not at the scene. [/hider]