"Wow...he seriously just said that." Niko muttered as Leo cracked up beside him, bent-double at the pick-up line. At the very least, the Altmer was interested in joining the group. And the fact that he was a Thalmor no doubt showed that he was able to actually fight - however, the sudden 'gooey' comment he had made to Faire stirred an unfamiliar feeling of discomfort within Niko. "Woo... the guy works fast, I'll give him that." Leo said after retaining his composure, still chuckling slightly and wiping a tear of mirth from his eye. Glancing sideways at his cousin, he grinned slyly, digging him in the ribs. To anyone other than Leo, Niko's face would be perfectly composed - however, after having lived with him for so long, he could tell when his cousin was disgruntled.. "Don't say you want his head on a pike too, cuz. You'll have to get in a line after Roze." Darting a withering look and a muttered 'shut it' at Leo, Niko walked towards Faire and the Altmer. "Well, we're happy for the help. I'm Niko." He said, then glanced around at the camp. "We'll have to do the rest of the introductions on the road though - we need to get to Kynesgrove soon. Don't want to miss the dragon." At that note, the camp moved onwards along their path towards Kynesgrove, the dragon, and possible death. However, spirits seemed to be lifting slightly. Perhaps due to the arrival of more people, or simply because they'd had a decent night's rest for once, the group moved onwards through the volcanic badlands, encountering nothing larger than wolves and the occasional bear - until they hit Witchmist Grove on their second week mark since their journey began. Although only a hag and Hagraven to fight, it allowed many in the group to show how well they fought, and how well they fought together. Some left at this point - if they couldn't handle witches, they weren't going to cope very well against dragons. However, the group was still in somewhat high spirits as they finally reached the village of Kynesgrove, despite growing tensions within the group... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------