Shuo gave a laugh at Shiva's remark. He certainly hoped that their jobs wouldn't end up with them being glorified detectives. He usually had a person or AI specifically devoted for that task. His job was usually to keep a look out for any threats immediate or otherwise. However Rareth's question was a bit more interesting. He certainly had been pulled for recruitment duty once while on leave so he thought at worst he could just pull that answer out as to what he did. "Well....I haven't been a regular in a few years at this point but for the most part there is a lot of waiting. Unless your an engineer or want to be one of some sort, those soldiers typically get assigned to temporary public works projects and the like. So if you have or want a talent outside of guarding the base and there is no real immediate threat you might get loaned out to the locals to help with something. You get compensated for this of course and it's all very efficient believe it or not. However if that isn't what you want and you wern't already assigned to some sort of technician job you can expected to do a lot of waiting." Shuo filled up his glass again with the foreign liquid. While he didn't really enjoy it he didn't have anything pressing to do exactly. He took another sip and leaned back in his chair again.