[b]Princess Adrienne Martell[/b] She accepted the wine with thanks, taking a small sip to show her appreciation. She didn't fail to notice how the smile didn't reach his eyes; she was aware not everyone smiled easy but she was also aware it could be hiding more. For her part she kept a small smile, it was a day for celebration after all, or at least it should be. No doubt some were cursing the new king in the shadows. Before she could reply another woman approached them, and Adrienne spied the stag. Baratheon, a house of former glory. "My Lady." She said in recognition of her presence before answering Jakob. "A man who does not take every opportunity he can would be a foolish one indeed; you are forgiven, Jakob Frey. And Dorne is as it always has been, hot and dry though fairer smelling than here. We do not get many visitors so far south, so yours is among the many new faces I have seen today." The arrival of the Baratheon girl hadn't pleased Adrienne but she was not as great of a threat, not here and now. But the arrival of the seasoned Lanniser knight unnerved her more. His presence was intimidating as it was and the tone of his words made his feelings clear. In Dorne she would walk among the vipers with no fear, but now she found herself surrounded by beasts. These were no friends of hers. "I ought to find my father, he could be worried." She said, with the same gentle smile. "It has been a pleasure." And with that she turned to leave.