[quote=@j8cob] Actually I know a lot of veterans and you'd be surprised by how fiercely loyal most soldiers are. Though it is more so towards their immediate CO than a General or something. But still, the concept applies. Most soldiers, at least in the United States, are disciplined and loyal to their comrades. [/quote] That's mostly due to the fact the US army is a Volunteer army, I was more speaking to the armies of the era Edolas [i]seemed[/i] to be in, which was roughly mid-dark-ages/early enlightenment era. So at that time, armies were generally mercenarial, and thusly more loyal to money than people. But I get what you're saying. And I think you're still implying that, ultimately, to your average grunt it doesn't matter who the overarching General is (Other than the President, who's commander-in-chief) I should've worded my previous post better, sorry if I offended anyone who read that.