[hider=Gene Green] Name: Gene Green Age: 19 Sex: Male Place of birth: Johto Height: 5'8" Description: He wants to learn whatever he can, and is often found with a book or two in his backpack. Working the plants from a young age, he has grown fairly strong physically, but he prefers to work with his mind. As a farmer, though, a formal education wasn't possible, so he learned to read from his mothers teachings and reads whatever books he can get his hands on. He often wears his overalls when he leaves the farm, such as when he has to head into the city for supplies or when making deliveries. His bicycle is quite old and often breaks down, but he still prefers to ride it as opposed to walking, as it's much faster. History: He grew up on a farm, learning to tend the berry and apricorn bushes from a young age. his only contact with other children was his siblings and the children in town when he got to go. When he was 12, however, his father decided to introduce him to the real money maker on the farm, apricorn balls. He learned to make pokeballs from the apricorns they grew, getting almost as good as his father. Several years ago, while gathering more apricorns to turn into balls and sale, he found a caterpie eating the leafs on one of the bushes. He decided to try out one of the balls he had made on it, and it was caught. After that he took it with him whenever he went to check the bushes and, if he found something, he would use the Caterpie to knock it out. He even kept using it while it was metapod, and it turned into a butterfree. After that he stopped putting it back into its ball every time it was done fighting an enemy. A few days ago he decided that he was too old to keep living at home and told his family he was going to leave. They told him to take what berries and apricorn balls he needed and wished him well. When he went to check the berry stores in the cellar, however, he found a rattata eating them. Knowing that he would need more than one pokemon if he was to survive, he caught it as well. He left the next day and headed for the nearest city. Pokemon: Butterfree Lvl 12 (just learned poison powder) Rattata (Lvl 2) [img]http://pokecharms.com/data/attachment-files/2015/03/171318_trainercard-Gene.png[/img] [/hider]