[center][h1]T[ee]r[ee][oh]n[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rzXXsyA.jpg?1[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/su1ksHm.png?1[/img] [hider=Notice of Galactic-Roman Translational Notation] All native writings when adapted to Latin characters are translated literally. Proper nouns without translations are assigned to the closest phonetic match. Vowels are put into brackets. The Latin sound is put first, then an 'e' or an 'h' to signify long or short. [ie] would mean a long 'i', as such found in '[u][i]I[/i][/u] like pie'. [oh] signifies the 'o' in [u][i]o[/i][/u]ptimist. 'Myanmar' 'M[ee][ah]nm[ah]r' Also, the pronoun used in the place of 'he' or 'she' is 'hesit', and in the place of 'he' or 'her' is 'sirt'. Man/men is the general translation for any word that means man(en) or woman(en) [/hider] [h3]Government[/h3] T[ee]r[ee][oh]n is governed by democracy, of which all self-sentient citizens can vote. They elect a single leader for a century-long term, although hesit can be impeached by a majority petition. The current leader is 'Trusted Citizen' H[ee]r[ah]v[ih]n[oe]. [h2]Species: 'Life-hierarch'[/h2] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-E5Hm66znS48/Thd7hb9fdfI/AAAAAAAAACs/Ao3HzRItreY/s1600/lizardFolkWip_03.jpg[/img] Roughly 0.065% of life within the species is sentient. The ones that are sentient have an estimated IQ of 145 on average. The sentient command non-sentient as extensions of their being. It is akin to finding a finger in the forest and surgically attaching it to your own hand, except you now have the ability to control that finger. Many of these sentients command 45-50 non-sentient counterparts. The sentients are translated to 'Wisemen' and the non-sentients are translated to 'Undermen'. Sentients are identified at birth by a white marking of two gates, similar to the ones on their flag. [h3]Orbital Holdings[/h3] In addition to quite a few man-made moons, the species hosts over 100,000 D[ae]r[ee][uh]m Stations, all of which house an atomic teleportation net. The image shown below contains one such chamber. These may be turned on and off at the owner's discretion, and some may require a passcode or bodily scan of a sort. [img]http://i.imgur.com/hpLFPNW.png[/img] [b]Legend:[/b] Red: Teleportation Chamber Grey: Solar-Energy Wall Teal: Gravity-Gel Flooring [h3]Military[/h3] The T[ee]r[ee][oh]n military is composed entirely of orbital fleets and stations, all armed and set to bomb anything that comes near them. The largest of the armed stations, Fearless Guardian, is shown on the Terra-Planetary-Axis Module below: [img]http://i.imgur.com/4rVvXRe.gif[/img] The smallest ring has a diameter of 50,000 km. Each ring succeeding has a greater diameter by 50,000 km. The phasing black dot is the full radar-sphere of the station (which is far larger than the actual station). The center point is Terra. The military is known to use 'atom-scramblers' that rip apart molecules and reconfigure them instantaneously, causing an immense burning sensation. A chemical compound that replenishes itself is shot out of kinetic boosters as so it goes in a straight-line toward the target. [h3]History[/h3] The origins of the species are shrouded in mystery. They are thought to have evolved from amphibians, then diverged in sentience with the Undermen race, but other than that we know that they have been ruled by a single civilization for their entire existence. The civilization was D[ee]r[ee]d[ah], which has led the T[ee]r[ee][oh]n throat history. They were originally clans, but joined peacefully for self-betterment. They contain the first of the written records known as [i]The Credible Mythos of the T[ee]r[ee][oh]n[/i]. The book contains daily records of events, with special sections for larger happenings. The developed R[eh]z[ah]th paper from a bamboo-like plant, and ink was made from berries that lasted for a very long period of time.[/center]