((Collab Post between Letter Bee and NarcissisticPotato)) It wasn't exactly usual that Cedric's phone began buzzing in his pocket and never ceased its buzzing. When he finally lifted it out, it was clear that things were not going good for the device. The screen was flickering intently, moving from a bright green to a deep silvery-black. Finally, the chaos seemed to resign down into a single black in which the phone gave up to the long-range hacking it was going through. Suddenly, words began to appear on the blackened screen. "Heard you were offering a few million for information on the Underground Movement. Meet me at the Chaos Club; you'll like to hear what I have to see. ~ a friend." The Chaos Club was renowned for being a nightclub where humans and metas could intermingle - it was commonly known as a wholely Reformist club so it was quite peculiar as to why an informant chose there, of all places. Cedric was suspicious, and, judging from how his cellphone was working, he had a pretty good guess as to who was calling him; hint, it was not Alto, although it was clearly someone obsessed with him. There was also the fact that his attempts to reach out to Loki and Alto were discovered so completely, despite the military-grade encryption. Nevertheless, he was clearly going to go to The Chaos Club...after giving some orders to Light and Adam in order to push his agenda of keeping people safe, as well as covering his tracks. Picking up his cellphone again, and using his tool-proficiency metahuman power to override the hacking temporarily, he sent orders to the two Metahumans: [i]Warpath, Light, I'm sending you a mission: There is a Metahuman called Beau 'Bo' De La Fontaine, a Metahuman who gains powers by killing and eating other Metas. He is present within City Limits. Take him, dead or alive. Here are the relevant files...[/i] and with that, Cedric sent them the person's FBI dossier, as well as his last known locations in LA. There, now he can go. [b][i]Timeskip[/i][/b] Cedric was now at the club, whose loud music and bright lights brought out his inner partying side. He had been a playboy during the days after Elena and Constantine's losses, using his now-legal age to involve himself with a lot of young women. Even then, though, he was careful not to push any limits; the women had to be sober, or at least sober enough to give meaningful consent, and, quite frankly, he preferred it if they were the ones who took the initiative. But enough talk of his amorous adventures; time to meet with his contact. Despite being in 2020, Club Chaos was definitely a few years ahead of the trend in terms of technology. The flashing lights seemed to be hovering of their own accord and the speakers looked more like alien technology than actual speakers. The person in charge of the music had their head covered by some sort of [url=http://www.kentwist.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/helmet.png]helmet[/url] but a blaze of ginger hair fell from the back of it. Upon entering, Cedric was greeted by a young waitress who quickly ushered him to a private booth and took his order. It seemed that his position as the head of the Reformists earned him some credit. In the private booth, Cedric did an improportu bug sweep as he waited. He must have been waiting for nearly half an hour before anything happened. In the meantime, he was constantly supplied with drinks by a rather nervous looking waitress who kept flicking her eyes from him to the floor. Cedric had a reputation now, even if he was the leader of the Reformists. Anyhow, after half an hour the music seemed to calm as someone who clearly couldn't do as much work onstage as the earlier DJ took over. After another few moments, a woman emerged, ginger hair gently curling down her back as she took a seat in the private booth with ease. "It's been a while, Cedric." She yawned, stretching shortly before peeking her shining blue eyes at him. "You've grown." She stated, almost like it was a surprise. "Hello, Ruby," Cedric said kindly. "It's good to see you again," he said without any trace of irony; he'd forgiven the woman for the attack on the FBI headquarters some time ago. "So it's starting again, isn't it? What is it this time? The Government? Corporations? Organized Crime or Terrorist Groups? Some combination of both?" The young man's voice was both mature and expectant, as though he had not fallen into the trap of complacency, which indeed he hadn't with Elena's departure from sanity, and Constantine's departure from this world. She gave him a quick roll of her eyes as she leaned forward in her chair and stared at him. It was as if something finally clicked and she frowned again. "I like to think that I've transcended the petty squables of man and I simply guide them forwards now. People know me by various names but I haven't [i]just[/i] been helping the bad guys, you know. Do you know how much NASA appreciates it when a strange Indian Doctor in Aerospace Engineering suddenly comes up with a brand new rocket propulsion system? Humanity just haven't seen my efforts because I chose to hide them. Nevertheless, I did tell you to come here for a reason. We have a common enemy; the Underground Movement. The difference, however, is that you can't plant one of your rats in them and I'm handcuffed to their bed. But everything comes for a price. An eye for an eye. Information for information." She seemed sporadic, almost, like her people-skills had taken another dive for the worst. "'What would you want then?" spoke Cedric, sounding business-like now. "First of all, I want Alto Ganze's phone number for ugh... business purposes. Secondly, I want you to get in contact with some of your buddies and figure out what this is." With that, she removed a small cellphone-sized metal object from her pocket and slid it across the table. Within a second, it morphed up into a screen in front of him. "This video was caught over Syria. The object you see there quickly disappeared but another video shows your government buddies sniffing around followed by the International Hero people. I think they'll be sending someone in in the next few hours but I need you to find out what that thing in the sky is." Just as she spoke, a video popped up on screen. It was amatuerish but it depicted a small circular object blasting through the sky for a few seconds before disappearing behind clouds. "There's no secret missions scheduled for today; trust me." "Alto's phone number is [Insert Number Here], while as for the other thing, yeah, I'll do what I can," said the young man. "That said, though, I haven't been informed of this; I'm worried as well." She frowned but nodded quickly. "Got it. Anyway, you gave me the information I needed so I'll give you what you want. You have three questions. I'll choose which ones I think will put me at too much risk and I won't answer them ones. Choose wisely." "All right, that works," said Cedric. "Anyway, let's eat!" he said eagerly as the food came.